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Conférence : "Doing social innovation research with public institutions"

Cycle de conférences "Innovations sociales, comment les sciences sociales transforment notre société" - Maison d'analyse des processus sociaux (MAPS)
Since Kurt Lewin in 1948 described action-research, numerous attempts have been done within social science to collaborate with actors in fields of practice in order to promote social innovation in local practice. At the same time this collaboration should also be able to produce knowledge of interest outside the local field. This double aim is challenging. It is as if the need to “go local” hinders the wish to produce generalized knowledge. Through a case of action-research with the public day-care sector in Denmark, this talk presents methodological considerations and in particular touches upon productive communicative strategies that promote listening to other perspectives than one’s own within the organization. This conference aims to promote reflections on how social research can participate in processes of social innovation. It will be argued that such scientific endeavor must put the “aliveness” of the subjects and the historical event in the heart of an intervention and that the methodology must therefore be goal-generative.
> Horaire : 17h45-19h15
> Lieu : Bâtiment principal de l'Université, Av. du 1er-Mars 26, 2000 Neuchâtel
> Salle : Aula
> Intervenant(s) : Pernille Hviid, associate professor, Institute for psychology, University of Copenhagen
> Programme des conférences